Our why?

We are passionate about using good assessment to make your employees happier, more productive and more engaged, ultimately reducing employee turnover and making your organisation more profitable. Maybe it’s the Psychology in us, but nevertheless we are passionate about playing our part in working towards making the world of work a happier place to be.
We believe in the value of matching the right candidate to the right job or environment (culture/organisation). For example, imagine placing an extreme Extrovert in a Data Analyst role, where the opportunity to work with others is extremely limited.

Obtaining the right ‘person-fit’ ensures a true win-win between the employee and the employer resulting in more productive, highly engaged individuals who stay longer with the organisation. This positively impacts the bottom line of the organisation, but further still, these ‘happier’ employees will return home at the end of the day and find themselves being ‘better’ sisters, brothers, parents, daughters, husbands, members of their community and so on. ‘Work to life stress’ spill-over will be minimised.

So what’s our role? Well, we are here to encourage organisations to apply the correct assessment principles right from the start in order to maximise their return on investment. We do this by using our three-step methodology of assessing what matters, assessing it reliably (objectively) and then measuring its value-add to justify its existence.

Our consultants are all Chartered Organisational Psychologists and Associate Fellows of the British Psychological Society. Having worked with a significant number of Fortune 100 clients we have the knowledge, experience and expertise to provide solutions that are both unique to you and fit-for-purpose. Our aim is simple – to establish a ‘sustainable’ partnership with our clients. This is not possible without a true win-win. Our Psychologists have become trusted advisors to many and we intend to continue on our quest to make the world of work a better place for all.

Assessment Consulting


Assessment & Development Centres


Assessment Exercises


Assessor Training


Bespoke Assessments


Development Solutions


Competency Models


Psychometrics (Norms)


Test Development


Have a question? Feel free to contact us anytime at info@talentassess.co.uk

Dr Zaffer Iqbal PhD CPsychol AFBPsS

CEO and Co-Founder

Dr Iqbal has spent the best part of 25 years making sense of human behaviour. As a scientist, he has developed various solutions and worked within various industries, with a heavy focus in the NHS and as an in-house lecturer at numerous Russell Group universities. Dr Iqbal has published numerous research articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is passionate about the ‘right’ candidates getting employed for the ‘right’ roles and believes in the ultimate well-being of the individual at work and how this ultimately rewards the organisation’s bottom line. He holds two doctorates in Psychology primarily in the areas of mental health. He is a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Dr Natasha Sharma DClinPsy CPsychol

Senior Psychologist

Dr Sharma has a dedicated passion for understanding and assessing human behaviour. She is renowned for her expertise and speciality in both understanding and translating complex behaviour in lay terms. Using both quantitative tools and qualitative methods, Dr Sharma’s extensive experience provides for a robust solution-focussed discussion balanced with the needs of her clients. A truly fit-for-purpose outcome is inevitable resulting in a sustainable partnership. She holds a doctorate in Psychology and is a Chartered Psychologist accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Saqib Saddiq CPsychol AFBPsS CSci

Senior Psychologist

With over 15 years of experience helping some of the world’s largest organisations select and retain their best talent, Saqib has gained invaluable experience working both as a consultant for some of the world’s leading companies but also in-house as Global Head of Assessment for a Fortune 100 FMCG organisation. His passion combined with his knowledge is evident from the moment you speak with him, and you will realise very quickly that you are in good hands for anything assessment related. He is a Chartered Psychologist, Chartered Scientist, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a registered practitioner with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Have a question? Feel free to contact us anytime at info@talentassess.co.uk