Females score better than males on Verbal reasoning tests
Chinese males seem to outperform all on Numerical Reasoning tests; but these differences are only evident at the top-end of the score distribution.
Psychometric testing is an objective cost-effective methodology for minimising the risk of a bad-hire, however that alone is not enough. We need to ensure that cut-offs are appropriately set and not placed too high otherwise you will observe group differences as aforementioned.
Differences between countries are also evident. For example, imagine a country that has poor schooling opportunity. In these situations, the need for localised norms is often necessary, however creating norms and having a method to utilise them in a user-friendly manner often proves difficult. We can provide innovative solutions to dealing with different norms in a cost-effective manner.
Numerous Psychometric assessments exist, however the real value comes from combining these assessments with face-to-face methods to make your assessment process very effective, ultimately resulting in positive results for the organisation. Call us now to find out more.
Our Other Services
If it involves assessment, then chances are we do it. We cover all aspects of assessment across the employee life cycle, so even if you can’t find what you’re looking for on here, don’t hold back and get in touch. Here are some of the other services we offer.
Bespoke Test development
Off-the-shelf solutions are available and work well, however the real value is obtained when bespoke tests are developed from scratch specifically for your organisation.
We will use questions/scenarios and terminology that resonates with your organisation.
Psychometric solutions (norms/cut-offs)
Norms and benchmarks for assessments can be tricky to manage particularly when you see group differences. Our experts will create norms by country, help you deal with adverse impact, and provide guidance on how best to manage different norm groups in a cost-effective manner.
Ability tests
As authors of numerous psychometric tools produced at SHL and Kenexa, we are very comfortable in developing robust new tests specifically for your organisation.
Personality Assessment
Identify an individual’s preferences and match them to an environment they will thrive in. Put and extreme introvert in a sales role, then your asking for trouble. Personality has become a powerful tool during both for assessment and development. Using this tool correctly results in a deep understanding of an individual’s style of working and can be used in conjunction with other assessment methodologies to confirm or flag any concerns. We can develop a tool from scratch or give you access to our already established questionnaire.
Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs)
Assessment Centres are the most effective methodology but yet the most expensive. Cheaper alternatives that assess behavioural competence include the Competency-based interview (CBI), but this is not as effective as a business case assessment. Most challenging of course is the lack of objectivity which assessors are vulnerable to. Thus, using SJTs result in a more objective option, that is cheaper, efficient and complimentary to the CBI. The test uses scenarios from the actual job environment of the organisation to indicate a real-feel for the candidate.
Culture-fit assessments
Want your employees to stay and grow – then use a culture-fit test, which assesses their fit against the organisation’s way of operating. Those who ‘fit’ well are more likely to stay longer. These tools are often very easy and quick to complete.
Self-Select / Realistic Job Previews (RJPs)
Candidates appear to report more positive experiences with novel assessment methods. Having an assessment on your website where individuals can take the test and see how they fit with the organisation can be helpful in reducing those with a poor-fit by around 10-15%. Candidates simply take the assessment which gives them a flavour of the organisation, and receive results on how they align with the organisation. Candidates can still choose to continue with the selection process, hence the name ‘self-select’.
Why Choose Us